10% of Profit is Donated to Charities
We love to give back to charities including human traffic prevention and other world charities.
Why raise awareness of human trafficking?
In 2011, Zeke Domowski went on a trip to Cambodia with his college to learn about Human Trafficking and to become more aware of what is happening in our world. Zeke’s eyes were opened wide and his heart broke at what he saw and heard. His tour guides from Rapha House took his team to several safe houses where girls that were rescued from the sex slave trade were kept safe. They are given shelter, counselling, and learn a trade at these places. After going on this trip, Zeke tries to let others know what exactly is happening in human trafficking–not just around the world, but also here in the United States.
How old were the girls in the safe houses?
These children were as young as 4 and as old as 13. The average girls in the house were probably around 7-10. These were young innocent children that had been abused and if it weren’t for the organizations such as Ralpha House and many others these girls might still be out there in a dark brothel.
Does this happen in America?
Yes! The U.S. cities where human trafficking is worst are: Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, Las Vegas, San Diego, San Francisco, St. Louis, Tampa, and Washington, DC. The U.S. Department of Justice estimates 100,000 to 300,000 American kids under 18 are involved in prostitution and often targeted by sexual predators annually.
What can you do to help?
There are many great organizations where you can donate. Three of our favorite organizations are Rapha House, International Justice Mission, and End It Movement. Each one specializes in different areas. International Justice Mission helps rescue girls from the slave trade, prosecute the ones running the brothels, and help place the girls in safe houses. Rapha House provides the care the girls need once they are rescued and helps them recover through counselling and teaching them vocational skills to help them earn a living. End It is a Coalition of the leading organizations in the world in the fight for freedom. Their goal is to raise awareness and help all of these organizations that are putting an end to this industry.
Due to his awareness trip in 2011, Zeke has always looked for ways to support the cause. Together we can all be in this to end human trafficking.
*The image above is a picture taken at a kids club in Cambodia for at-risk children. Rapha House loves on these children, teaches them about Jesus, and helps prevent them from becoming victims of human trafficking. Through education, they help them have a better future.